Science, history and literacy days set in Skelton Grange’s beautiful nature space and eco-building.
First-hand experiences for children, supported by our knowledgeable and experienced team, enrich and support your class to meet the Primary National Curriculum and Foundation Stage guidance.
Whether as a starting point for your topic, or as an opportunity to bring learning together at the end, our visits give a sense of purpose, wider context and – fun!
Below you will find curriculum-focused education visits for children aged 3-11.
We also offer Wild in the Woods days focused on confidence building, teamwork, resilience and problem-solving.
Our schools outreach project, The Flying Slug, has been relaunched in case you’d like us to come and visit you in school.
Really enjoyed the day and children still raving about it! Staff commented on how wonderful it was to hear certain children so animated and taking a lead in aspects of the day, which would normally never happen. Teaching was top quality as always, very inclusive approach.
Windmill Primary School
If you would like to visit us to look around and talk with our staff and plan a possible educational visit please ring Chris Ensor or Sam Llewellyn on 0113 2430815 or email to arrange a visit.
Please ring or email to request a booking form. Once this has been returned, we will contact you with arrangements for the day and all relevant documentation, including comprehensive risk assessments.
Numbers and timings?
We normally take one class per day (up to 35 children). However, we are developing days for 2 parallel classes in a year group where we can take up to 60 children. (This will reduce transport costs substantially.) If you would like to know more please get in touch.
Sessions usually run from 10am to 2.30pm, or we can offer half-day sessions for Foundation groups. The session will be set up and run by the project team, but schools are expected to provide supervision and support.
What does it cost?
From September 2024 the cost per session will be £10.00 (+VAT) per pupil.
Skelton Grange is part of The Conservation Volunteers charity, who work to create healthier and happier communities for everyone. We work hard to raise most of the costs, which pay staff to plan and lead school sessions, train volunteers and maintain a safe and welcoming environment for children. We rely on the income from our outdoor education sessions to support the running costs of the Centre and nature space, ensuring these opportunities are available to children and schools in the future.
Safeguarding and Health and Safety
All activities have been fully assessed for safety with risk assessments carried out, and copies will be sent to you during the booking process.
The Conservation Volunteers work to a nationally recognised Health and Safety procedure on Safeguarding the Welfare of Children and Other Vulnerable Groups. As a matter of policy, we can only work with other organisations if they have an equivalent code or policy for the protection of child safety and welfare. We have been awarded the Learning Outside the Classroom Quality Badge.
Planning your visit
One of the real benefits of visiting Skelton Grange is that we teach in small groups, which enables us to focus on children’s learning and a child’s individual needs. Please divide your class into 3 groups of approximately 8-10 children before your visit (or two groups for Wild History: Stone Age). You will need to bring at least one adult per small group who will be responsible for supervising their group throughout the day – these may be members of school staff or parents. Skelton staff and volunteers should be discounted when working out supervision ratios. Please bring a copy of the class list and accompanying adults’ names for fire safety purposes.
We have a quiet room that is available on request.
Typical Day Outline
10.00 Arrival, welcome to Centre, drop off bags, toilet and/or snack opportunity
10.10 Game to help children adapt to being outdoors, introduction to focus of the day
10.30 Split into groups and begin to carousel around activities
12.00 Lunchtime and play
1.00 Continue activites
2.20 Meet for ending and evaluation
2.30 School group leaves
Clothing & lunch
Please ensure adults and children bring suitable clothing or footwear for all weather conditions (e.g. wellies, waterproofs, sun hats, warm coats) as most activities are outside. We generally ask children to take off their outdoor shoes when inside the Centre.
If children in your class don’t have these, we do have a limited number of waterproof coats and trousers, wellies and warm fleece jackets that they can borrow for the day.
Everyone needs to bring a packed lunch and there will be an indoor space available, as well as picnic blankets for if the weather is nice.
Preliminary visits
We strongly recommend that you arrange a preliminary visit when you book your trip if you haven’t been here before. This will allow you to have a good look around, find out exactly what the day involves, carry out your own safety assessment and ask any questions, and let us know about any special requirements you may have.
At the end of your visit, we will give you an evaluation form to complete. This will help us to ensure that we continue to provide high-quality visits for schools that are suitable for your needs.
We also offer professional development training
Our full-day or twilight courses for school staff and childminders can be delivered either in your own setting or at Skelton Grange. Current courses include Raising Standards by Teaching Numeracy & Literacy Outside; Making the Most of the School Grounds; Environmental Games; Nature Play for Early Years or for Childminders. Open courses are detailed on our courses and events page, but many schools prefer to arrange sessions for their own staff or with partner schools.