TCV in the South East

Through the work we do, we support, encourage and celebrate volunteers and volunteering.

We focus on helping people to give some of their time, skills and enthusiasm, to protect and care for their local environment – the parks, woods and other green spaces that we see and use everyday.

We do this by providing individuals with the necessary knowledge, skills, opportunities and confidence to do so.

Where we are - offices and activities

Find your local TCV office and see what activities are running using the map below. Please call the local office to confirm there is space before attending TCV events.

Contact TCV in the South East

The Conservation Volunteers,
Blacklands Business Centre,
Fearon Road,
East Sussex,
TN34 2EP

Find a local TCV office

Telephone: 01424 444 675


The Conservation Volunteers in the South East is able to work with people and communities to transform their health, prospects and outdoor places because of the generous support of many different organisations and individuals – thank you.